Trying to be ‘conscious consumer’ and leading a sustainable lifestyle can seem daunting. Over the next few weeks, we will showcase loyal customers of some of our favourite brands, who are making strides to lead a sustainable lifestyle. We hope you are encouraged & inspired by the actions each of these individuals have taken. You may not think so, but you can and probably are taking actions towards being more sustainable, you’re just not ‘conscious’ of it!
Lilika Papagrigoriou – an avid Ça Cartoone customer
Lilika has always tried to lead an environmentally friendly life and is always on the lookout for sustainable brands. Naturally, she was drawn to Ça Cartoone who use recycled materials to create upcycled products.
Though she grew up being mindful of waste, for Lilika the turning point was when she was expecting her first child, Safira. Like a lot of expectant mothers, Lilika began to pay attention to the food she was eating and began to explore a vegan diet.
Eating healthy and organic as much as possible continues to be a theme for Lilika and her family. This means trying to avoid foods that are processed or GMO. But this remains one of her biggest challenges, particularly with her kids. Lilika knows she has no control on their diets when they are at school or attend birthday parties. But her kids know the drill, and have stopped asking her to buy chips or bonbon’s!
For Lilika, trying to lead an environmentally friendly life also means composting waste as much possible. This lifestyle extends to buying clothes and shoes that last and as much as possible, she tries to avoid leather products. When it comes to furniture and home decor, Ça Cartoone has provided Lilika and her family with a great option of having stylish and upcycled pieces of furniture.
But it doesn’t end there – Lilika makes her own toothpaste too! That’s taking it to a whole other level in our book! Her enthusiasm was contagious and she was gracious enough to share her recipe and we have included below. She is currently experimenting with a natural shampoo recipe too, though admitted that it hasn’t been perfected as yet.
Ultimately, Lilika would love to have a garden where the family can grow their own vegetables, but they aren’t quite there yet! It was so inspiring (and truth be told a little daunting) to talk to someone who is trying to be sustainable in all aspects of her life. But as Lilika pointed out, “at the end of the day, it is our mindset that has to change and we have to train ourselves to want less.”
Toothpaste recipe:
Mix baking soda or baking powder with coconut oil;
Add enough coconut oil till the texture is like a paste (it shouldn’t be too thick or too much like a liquid);
Add a pinch of salt (some people like to add magnesium powder).
To add some flavour to your toothpaste you can add drops of lavender, lemon or mint essential oils.
For more information about Ça Cartoone click here.